Content is King (est. 1996)

Photo by Neil Soni / Unsplash

Generally speaking, content is KING.

Whether it is through posting frequently on your social media accounts, releasing videos or music, or even for growing your business, there is no questioning it!

Bill Gates once wrote an essay titled “Content is King.”

“Content is where I expect much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.

That very essay was published back in 1996... Nineteen ninety six folks!

Only more relevant today...

You want to be a successful YouTuber?

Photo by Hello I'm Nik 🇬🇧 / Unsplash

You need to pump out more than 365 videos per year. It is without question that the YouTube algorithm favors those who produce a sufficient amount of content. The ones who pay attention to their thumbnail, the ones who take the time to post in the description of every single video, the ones who answer to comments etc...

You want to be a successful Musician?

Photo by Hanny Naibaho / Unsplash

You need to be persistent. I mean, just keep putting out new material. A new single (every few months,) a remix, posting on social media daily (even just story posts,) a cover video, an album (once the market is right,) attaching a podcast series to your name, photo shoots etc...

You want to run a successful Business?

Photo by Marvin Meyer / Unsplash

You need the right methods to sell your product or service. In this day and age, where is everyone? As you know, everyone is on their phones! Build the right content and post to social media in order to make people latch onto your service or product. Social media marketing is the future. Be here with us!

Remember: The more you put out, the more you receive.

If you want to stand above the noise, content is the key to success!

Just one small note:


You do not want to post something to your social media pages that is irrelevant to your feed. Branding is important. This may sound like a difficult task...

You may ask...

“How do I keep putting out material that is considered good content and that goes along with my branding?”

1. There are many apps that you can use that can help you keep your branding on point. Whether it's a quick photo editor or video app like VSCO or Filterloop with personalized filters, you can be quick and efficient with these methods if you are not good with software like Photoshop or Premiere Pro. There is always a way to make your content unique to you.

2. Plan ahead. Take a few hours out of your day to create tons of posts, potentially sign up to a Dropbox account where you can save all your future content. This way, you are organized and ready to roll every time you need to post something.

3. All to say, you just got to find the means and you have to put in the time and potentially a small monetary investment to propel yourself further.  There is no question, you have to not only work for it, you have to invest!

Do your research, find your niche.


Talk to us. Great Things Studios can help you!

Until then, keep working hard, but work smart.